My family always does themed parties too. But they're never fun. They're always something boring like "Pajamas." lol

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It does take a lot of work and everyone chipping in like a couple hundred tbh! So no wonder they have really slowed down now that we cousins are not getting any younger or richer 😆

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I love reading about your family and the crazy-fun stuff you get up to with them! Low-key jealous!!

You are a hilarious writer btw! Always make me laugh. Extra points for the In Living Color reference!

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Eeks I was replying as if it was my other FF piece 🤦 I think this means my brain is frazzled and I need to stop working already 😆

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😂 and I was over here nodding along without realizing until you said that

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I love that you got the Homie the 🤡 ref! Really appreciate the kind words on my goofy writing style. My husband thinks I need to be more serious, but I honestly think if I stop using him as fodder for my shiz, he will get super offended. Cuz he secretly loves it and I caught him cracking the biggest smile when I was making fun of his accent. 🇫🇷

Have a great 4th tomorrow, eat lots of yummy BBQ!!

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This is amazing and everything about celebrating your family and culture with these beautifully-themed and FUN parties might be the only thing right with the world! I especially love how everyone just gets on board like it’s the most regular thing in the world to be all “Google 1920s aviator wear” as easily as Googling what temperature to cook chicken. Your family is awesome! Agreed: MORE PLEASE!!! ♥️

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YOU'RE awesome my friend for giving me the original idea! I'm lucky my fam is such good fodder for my stories :) All credit to my cuzzos - they're so talented and skilled at what they do. I just show up with my swim goggles :D I do have some more Filipino pride stuff coming soon, so be on the lookout and HAVE A HAPPY 4TH!!

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I just think it's completely awesome. My family is, how you say, not this. I'll leave it at that. :) The bonds and memories are golden! Yes..keep plumbing this well! Safe and peaceful Fourth to all right back! X!

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This was such a fun read. Your personality shines through in your writing in a really unique way. I really enjoyed some of your bracketed comments as I thought they were not only placed well, but also really funny.

P.S - your families parties sound awesome.

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Aw thanks Michael for reading and encouraging my writing style! I actually have another post in the works, that mentions philosophy AND music. I was really inspired by your fly on the ceiling piece to write something Descartes/Pascal related. So stay tuned for that one, and have a great weekend!

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Ohh that’s so awesome! I can’t wait to read it.

Thanks Marmi, you too.

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That last line is the cleverest pun I've read in my whole life! Love this article! More! More!

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I stole that from the Sound of Music costume contest at the Hollywood Bowl one year. They didn't win but the winner was very good - they came as the carburetor!

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Thanks Momzos :)

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